61–80 of 471 results

Solar System

Great Red Spot Shrinking

Observations by amateur astronomers confirm that Jupiter's gargantuan storm is still tightening its waistline.


Fermi Detects Cosmic Fog

An international team has used the disappearance of high-energy photons to narrow in on the origin of the light suffusing the cosmos.


This Week's Sky At a Glance

Sky at a Glance | November 2nd, 2012

Jupiter, flanked by Aldebaran and Beta Tauri, shines big and bright just a month from opposition.

A bright Perseid meteor

Celestial Objects to Observe

About Meteors

Meteors, meteoroids, meteorites, and fireballs — keep all these look-alike terms straight.

Cassiopeia and Polaris

Celestial News & Events

Tour November's Sky! | November 1st, 2012

Mars is very low in the west after sunset, and Jupiter rises a couple hours later. But most of the planetary action is in the eastern sky before dawn.

Straying stars


Stray Stars Might Solve Infrared Puzzle

A new study suggests that lonesome stars in galaxies’ farthest outskirts contribute to a mysterious, blotchy glow that permeates the sky.

Solar System

Saturn’s Frankenstorm: The Aftermath

Though Saturn’s Great White Spot faded by the end of 2011, infrared telescopes have revealed the storm's long-lasting impact.


This Week's Sky At a Glance

Sky at a Glance | October 26th, 2012

The Moon shines with forthcoming winter sights low in the east, while summer stars still descend in the west — including Arcturus, now taking on its guise as the Ghost of Summer Suns.


Fomalhaut b: An Exoplanet Redeemed

New analysis suggests that Fomalhaut b — an exoplanet discovered in 2008 and disputed ever since — really does exist.

Black Holes

The Flares from Milky Way’s Black Hole

Our galaxy’s central supermassive black hole emits regular, mysterious X-ray flares. For the first time, NASA’s newest sharp-eyed telescope has captured a high-energy view of the action.

Black Holes

Beads on a Galaxy-Scale String

A new image from the Australia Telescope Compact Array shows a series of brilliant knots along the jet shooting from a supermassive black hole. While not the first sighting of a string of pearls gracing a galaxy's jet, the new image is a striking look at a mysterious phenomenon.

Sky Tour Astronomy Podcast

S&T's Audio Sky Tour for December 2012

Mars lurks low in the west after sunset, just as Jupiter rises dramatically in the east. Meanwhile, a mythic tale unfolds among the stars and constellations overhead.

New Product Showcase

Neximage 5 Planetary Camera

Celestron's 5-megapixel planetary camera

New Product Showcase

Newtonian How-To Book

Everything you'll need to know about building a big Newt.

Stellar Science

Auroras Grace Stellar Skies

Stunning auroras play in Earth's upper atmosphere, and similar cascading curtains grace the skies of giant planets, brown dwarfs — and even small stars.


This Week's Sky At a Glance

Sky at a Glance | October 19th, 2012

The crescent Moon points to the pairup of Mars and Antares, then the gibbous Moon glides below the Square of Pegasus, and Arcturus becomes the Ghost of Summer Suns.

Solar System

News From Across the Solar System

From new models of the Moon's formation to planets forming around distant stars, nearly 800 planetary scientists had plenty of new results to present this week when they met in Reno, Nevada.

Celestial News & Events

October Meteors Slow and Fast

As Earth wheels through the October portion of its orbit around the Sun, it passes through two reliable annual meteoroid streams: one fast, one slow, both long-lasting.

Milky Way

Revisiting Orion's Stellar Membership

The Orion Nebula hosts a well studied star cluster, the gold standard by which astronomers measure all other clusters. New research suggests that this benchmark might need to be revised.

a satelitte floating in space with a black background with small stars visible

Cosmic Relief with David Grinspoon

It All Started with Mariner 2

Fifty years ago this August, with the launch of Mariner 2 toward Venus, something profoundly new appeared around the Sun.