81–100 of 471 results

Space Missions

A Problem with Pluto's Moons

The discovery of two tiny moons circling the most famous "dwarf planet" has raised concerns that the New Horizons spacecraft might be endangered when it flies by in July 2015.


Planet Found in Alpha Centauri System

Astronomers announced what might be the closest exoplanet to Earth, a roasted Earth-mass world whipping around the Sun-like star Alpha Centauri B.

Celestial News & Events

Set Your Crescent-Moon Record?

A thin young crescent Moon will be visible from North America this evening, Tuesday October 16th, weather and eyesight permitting. It may be a chance to set your young-Moon record.


This Week's Sky At a Glance

Sky at a Glance | October 12th, 2012

Jupiter has been climbing into good view a half hour earlier every week, accompanied by a grand retinue of celestial objects seen and unseen. On the other side of the sky, Mars is finally passing rival Antares in twilight.

Tissint meteorite piece

Solar System

Freshest Mars Rock has Hints of Water

An international team of scientists has teased apart the secrets hidden inside a meteorite from Mars, including signs that the rock weathered acidic water while on the Red Planet.

Stellar Science

Star Draws Spiral

ALMA observations have revealed a spiral buried inside a shell surrounding the star R Sculptoris. While not the first of its kind discovered, the spiral does show that the star is hiding something.

Orbit of Comet 209P/LINEAR

Celestial News & Events

Meteor Storm Brewing for 2014?

Dynamicists know for certain that on May 24, 2014, Earth will plow through a dense stream of dust particles shed by the periodic comet 209P/LINEAR. The only question is: how intense will the assault be?

About Sky & Telescope

S&T's Iceland Aurora Adventure

Join Sky & Telescope on the aurora adventure of a lifetime in April, 2013! Walk through a rift valley, witness magnificent waterfalls and the Strokkur geyser, bathe in the Blue Lagoon, and best of all, maximize your chances of seeing the beautiful Northern Lights.

Science and Space Policy

World-Class Telescope For Sale

The impending closure of the United Kingdom Infrared Telescope might be averted if the observatory’s director can find a buyer.

Celestial News & Events

Draconid Meteor Outburst: Lots of Radar Meteors, Few Visual

Radar started showing up to 2,200 Draconid meteors per hour as of midday Monday for North America, but by nightfall here it was basically over. Even in darkness in Europe, few were seen by eye.


This Week's Sky At a Glance

Sky at a Glance | October 5th, 2012

Algol eclipses itself. Telescopic action happens at Jupiter. And after pairing up with Jupiter, the waning Moon passes Regulus and Venus late in the week at dawn.

Astronomy and Stargazing Projects

A Star Count for Everyone

Take part in this year's Great World Wide Star Count, and you'll be joining thousands of other "citizen scientists" in raising dark-sky awareness around the globe.

People, Places, and Events

ESO Celebrates Its History and Future

On October 5th, the European Southern Observatory and the Australian Square Kilometer Array Pathfinder will broadcast live webcasts to celebrate years gone by and new beginnings.

Comet Hergenrother flares up

Celestial News & Events

Comet Hergenrother Puts on a Show

Astronomers predicted that Comet 168P/Hergenrother wouldn't get any brighter than 15th magnitude this month. But the comet had other ideas: an ongoing outburst has brightened it to within reach of medium-size backyard telescopes.

stars orbiting black hole

Milky Way

Star Zips around Black Hole

Astronomers announced that they've successfully tracked a star that takes less than 12 years to whip around the Milky Way's central black hole. The star isn't so special on its own, but combined with other observations it might help unwrap the region's mysteries.

Solar System

Big Meteoroid Boomerangs Around Earth

Late on September 21st, a bright fireball broke apart as it skimmed the atmosphere over northwestern Europe — then it became a temporary satellite, looping completely around the planet before its searing finale over eastern North America.


This Week's Sky At a Glance

Sky at a Glance | September 28th, 2012

The Harvest Moon wanes from full almost down to last quarter this week, stepping past the Pleiades, Aldebaran, and Jupiter along the way.

Ancient streambed on Mars

Solar System

Curiosity Finds Ancient Streambed

NASA's newest rover has found strong evidence near its landing site inside Gale crater that vigorous steams of liquid water once flowed across the Martian surface.

Professional Telescopes

Astronomers Approach Black Hole

The Event Horizon Telescope team has unmasked the heart of the jet-shooting galaxy M87, paving the way for astronomers to discover how black holes create their superpowered streamers.

Celestial News & Events

A "Dream Comet" Heading Our Way?

Veteran skywatchers are trying to contain their enthusiasm for Comet ISON, which, late in 2013, could become the brightest comet in decades.