4701–4720 of 6,088 results

People, Places, and Events

Like Chocolate in Your Peanut Butter

When two great things come together. . .

Celestial News & Events

Saturn in the Morning

The ringed planet is at its highest in the sky shortly before dawn in December. And the early-morning sky is full of other marvels, too.


People, Places, and Events

Undiscovered Country

A detailed overview of Antarctica was released yesterday.

Celestial News & Events

A Revival of Comet Holmes

It's still there! With the Moon now gone from the early-eyening sky, Comet Holmes is the easiest-to-spot "deep sky object" after the Pleiades.

Stellar Science

The Orion Nebula, Exactly?

Radio astronomers succeed where others have failed to pin down the distance to a great showpiece of the night sky.

Astronomy and Society

Earth at Night: Not a Pretty Sight

Rosetta's nighttime snapshots of the Eastern Hemisphere show that the fight against light pollution has a long way to go.

Astronomy & Observing News

Swimming a Salty Sea

There could be life on Jupiter's moon, Europa. The qualities thought necessary for life to arise are liquid water, an energy source, and certain biogenic elements such as carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus, and Europa likely has all of these in abundance.

Celestial News & Events

Mars Is Here!

The Red Planet is now nearly as bright — and appears nearly as big through a telescope — as it will any time this year.

People, Places, and Events

For the Garden

Careful attention goes into bringing back a classic telescope. Watch how it's done.

Celestial News & Events

Call for Images of Venus

Venus Express project scientists are inviting amateur and professional astronomers to contribute Earth-based images of the planet made at infrared, visible, and ultraviolet wavelengths.

Professional Telescopes

Will the UK Bail on Gemini?

Budget woes are forcing the United Kingdom to abandon its share of one of the world's premier observatories.

Comet Holmes from HST

Astronomy & Observing News

What Happened to Comet Holmes?

Despite scrutiny by an army of professional and amateur observatories — even the Hubble and Spitzer space telescopes — we may never learn what made a nondescript comet blow its top in late October.

Pro-Am Collaboration

Nova in Puppis

On Nov. 14, 2007, a star in the constellation Puppis suddenly became visible in binoculars.

Celestial News & Events

Leonids 2007

The Leonid meteor shower peaks on the morning of Sunday, November 18th.

Nova Puppis 2007

Celestial News & Events

Nova in Puppis

On Nov. 14, 2007, a star in the constellation Puppis suddenly became visible in binoculars.

Stellar Science

Our Sun's Twin

A faint but observable star in Draco is the closest match yet to the one at the center of our solar system.

Space Missions

Good Morning Earth

The Kaguya spacecraft provides a nice way to start the day with a look back home.

Astronomy & Observing News

Do We Really Need Jupiter?

Jupiter deflects objects like comets before they have a chance to hit Earth. Without it, there would have been so many impacts that life wouldn't have gotten far on Earth. Right? Perhaps not.

Space Missions

Rosetta Attacks!

Briefly mistaken for an asteroid headed toward Earth, a European-built comet chaser zips by en route to its deep-space rendezvous.

Space Missions

China Reaches the Moon

A Chinese spacecraft named Chang'e 1 is preparing to study the Moon at close range after successfully settling into lunar orbit.