701–720 of 1,113 results

Solar System

Rosetta Spots Its Comet

The European Space Agency’s comet-chasing spacecraft has imaged its destination for the first time since waking up from 957 days of hibernation.

Solar System

Chariklo: An Asteroid with Rings

An international team of observers has made the surprising discovery that a distant asteroid has two distinct, dense rings.

Orbits of 2012 VP113 and Sedna

Solar System

New Object Offers Hint of "Planet X"

Astronomers have kicked around the idea of a distant "Planet X" for decades. But the recent discovery of 2012 VP<sub>113</sub>, located in an orbital "no man's land" roughly twice as far away as Pluto, has stoked the possibility that it really exists.

Solar System

Active Volcanoes on Venus?

New images of Venus show features that look like hot spots, hinting there may be active volcanoes on the planet today.


Solar System

Interactive Mosaic of Moon's North Pole

With the first interactive lunar north pole mosaic released by the NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera team you can explore an area of the Moon’s northern hemisphere about the size of Alaska and Texas combined.

Victoria Rupes on Mercury

Solar System

The Incredible, Shrinking Mercury

Now that they've seen all of the innermost planet up close, geologists realize that Mercury's crust buckled and fractured as the planet cooled and shrank far more than previously measured.

Mojave crater on Mars

Solar System

Source Crater for Martian Meteorites?

A team of European researchers believe that a big, fresh-looking crater on Mars is the likely launch pad for many of the Martian meteorites found on Earth.

Solar System

Hubble Catches a Crumbling Asteroid

The Hubble Space Telescope has photographed a never-before-seen event: an asteroid breaking up into pieces.

Solar System

A Meteorite Lights up the Lunar Night

Astronomers have witnessed the largest lunar impact to date. With an impact energy equivalent to 15 tons of TNT — approximately 3 times as great as the previous record-holder — the flash was visible even to the naked-eye.

Solar System

Unveiling Ganymede

Get an eyeful of the solar system’s largest moon — a world of ancient, crater-packed plains and broad swaths of younger grooved terrain that defies easy explanation.

Solar System

Curiosity Navigates the Crossroads

NASA’s Mars Science Laboratory — Curiosity — has successfully crossed a sand dune standing between the rover and its final science destination.

Space Missions

New Splat on Mars

NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter HiRISE camera captured this stunning image of a fresh impact on the Martian surface.

Sun and forming planets

Solar System

Mixed Message from Asteroid Belt

New compositional map of the main asteroid belt shows that minor planets are not strongly grouped by composition, as had been thought, but instead are mixed up.

Solar System

Shedding Light on Circumbinary Systems

Astronomers are beginning to understand the unlikely formation and dangerous survival of exoplanets circling binary stars.

Astronomy Products

First Mercury Globe Now Available

Sky & Telescope announces the first-ever globe of Mercury, pieced together from the latest images taken by the Messenger spacecraft. It's now available on our online store!


Solar System

"Dwarf Planet" Ceres Exhales Water

There'll be a new wrinkle facing NASA's Dawn spacecraft when it reaches Ceres next year: what's causing this big round ball to give off puffs of water vapor?

Solar System

The End of Rosetta's Big Sleep

Europe's comet-chasing spacecraft woke up after a 957-day-long hibernation to begin the most comprehensive comet study to date. Part of its mission: attempt to place an instrumented lander on a comet’s nucleus for the first time.

Solar System

Small Asteroid 2014 AA Hits Earth

Spotted on New Year's Eve by a telescope in Arizona, a small asteroid struck Earth over the Atlantic Ocean — apparently unnoticed — less than one day later.


Solar System

Chang'e 3 Brings Rover to Lunar Surface

For the first time since 1976, a spacecraft has landed safely on the Moon. Within hours, the Chinese spacecraft Chang'e 3 had deployed an instrumented rover.

Space Missions

Curiosity Finds a Once-Habitable Mars

Ancient Mars seems to have had all the necessities as a comfy habitat for microbial life.