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This Week's Sky At a Glance

Sky at a Glance | February 22nd, 2008

Saturn is at opposition; see if you can observe the Seeliger effect on its rings. Algol-eclipse week comes around again for North America. This is the best time of year for seeing the zodiacal light. And Venus pairs up with Mercury low in the dawn. So get outdoors!


This Week's Sky At a Glance

Sky at a Glance | February 15th, 2008

When the Moon is in eclipse on the night of the 20th, take advantage of the dark sky to look for big, dim Comet Holmes! And with a telescope, look for the Seeliger effect on Saturn this week.

This Week's Sky At a Glance

Sky at a Glance | February 8th, 2008

The Moon waxes from crescent to first quarter, Orion and Sirius shine their highest in the south during evening, and Venus and Jupiter, the two brightest planets, continue separating low in the dawn.

This Week's Sky At a Glance

Sky at a Glance | February 1st, 2008

Orion and Sirius shine their highest in the south during evening. High above them Mars still glares brightly, but it's retreating into the interplanetary distance. Low in the dawn, bright Venus and Jupiter remain strikingly close together.

Looking southeast in early dawn

This Week's Sky At a Glance

Sky at a Glance | January 25th, 2008

The evening sky turns dark and moonless again, so check in on Comet Holmes high overhead after dark. The comet is spreading out wider every week. And try some deep-sky hunting with binoculars while you're at it. Low in the dawn, watch Venus and Jupiter closing in on each other every day.

Looking southeast an hour before sunrise

This Week's Sky At a Glance

Sky at a Glance | January 4th, 2008

Mars is getting higher in the east these evenings even as it shrinks into the distance. Mercury is just emerging from the glow of sunset, and Venus shines at dawn.

This Week's Sky At a Glance

Sky at a Glance | January 18th, 2008

Mercury is putting on a fine evening appearance, Mars is still close enough to show detail in a telescope, and Comet Holmes is crossing Algol in the moonlight. Meanwhile, early risers can watch Jupiter closing in on Venus at dawn.

This Week's Sky At a Glance

Sky at a Glance | January 11th, 2008

Mercury emerges from the glow of sunset, Jupiter emerges from the glow of sunrise, Venus blazes, Mars fades, and Algol dips.

Looking east-northeast at dusk

This Week's Sky At a Glance

Sky at a Glance | December 28th, 2007

Mars outshines everything else high in the east these evenings, stealing the limelight from the bright winter constellations around it. Meanwhile, Comet Holmes just keeps growing — and Comet Tuttle is nearest and brightest this week.


This Week's Sky At a Glance

Sky at a Glance | December 14th, 2007

This week Mars is at its closest to Earth; get out the telescope! And Comet Holmes just keeps growing, though it's dimmed by the increasing moonlight.


This Week's Sky At a Glance

Sky at a Glance | November 30th, 2007

Comet Holmes, dimming but growing ever larger, is one again easy to spot in a moonless evening sky. The Moon itself has gone off to consort with Regulus, Saturn, Venus, and Spica in the dawn.

Sizes of Comet Holmes and Moon compared

This Week's Sky At a Glance

Sky at a Glance | November 30th, 2007

Comet Holmes just keeps growing, as shown in this comparison with the size of the Moon. But Mars is now the real "star" of the night. It's about as big and close as it will get this year. And don't miss this week's Geminid meteors!


This Week's Sky At a Glance

Sky at a Glance | November 21st, 2007

Comet Holmes, fading as it enlarges, is moving away from the star Mirfak this week. And the bright Moon passes among bright stars and a planet.

This Week's Sky At a Glance

Sky at a Glance | November 16th, 2007

Comet Holmes is passing very close by Mirfak this week — and fading as it enlarges. Mars and Orion rise together, Vega and Capella balance out, and Venus guides the way to Mercury at dawn.


This Week's Sky At a Glance

Sky at a Glance | November 9th, 2007

Comet Holmes remains big, bright, and puffy high in the evening sky — but moonlight will soon be back. Before dawn, dazzling Venus marks the route to other sky sights in the east.


This Week's Sky At a Glance

Sky at a Glance | November 2nd, 2007

Comet Holmes has turned big and puffy — and the Moon is now gone from the evening, leaving a dark sky behind. Early risers will find that the Moon is off pairing up with Regulus, Saturn, Venus, and Mercury in the dawn.


This Week's Sky At a Glance

Sky at a Glance | October 26th, 2007

Glance up at Perseus during evening, and they's all you may need to do to spot Comet Holmes in outburst, tiny but bright enough to change the constellation's familiar pattern. Late in the evening, Mars rises to blaze in the east.


This Week's Sky At a Glance

Sky at a Glance | October 19th, 2007

Saturn and Regulus climb above Venus at dawn, the Orionid meteor shower is active before dawn, and little Comet LONEOS puts in a shy appearance right after dusk.

This Week's Sky At a Glance

Sky at a Glance | October 12th, 2007

The waxing crescent Moon enters the evening twilight this week, growing thicker and higher each day. Watch it passing Antares and bright Jupiter. At dawn this week, brilliant Venus meets up with Saturn.


This Week's Sky At a Glance

Sky at a Glance | October 5th, 2007

Jupiter is bidding a sad farewell in the southwest at dusk. . . but big planetary action is happening at dawn, with bright Venus taking Saturn and the star Regulus under its wing. And on Sunday morning the 7th, the crescent Moon joins the party too.