1961–1980 of 2,256 results

This Week's Sky At a Glance

Sky at a Glance | October 5th, 2007

Jupiter is bidding a sad farewell in the southwest at dusk. . . but big planetary action is happening at dawn, with bright Venus taking Saturn and the star Regulus under its wing. And on Sunday morning the 7th, the crescent Moon joins the party too.

Sky Tour Astronomy Podcast

Your Audio Sky Tour: October 2007

Why is it that the "Summer Triangle" is easiest to see at this time of year? Learn the answer — and lots more — in this guided tour of the October evening sky. Host: S&T's Kelly Beatty. (6MB MP3 download: running time: 5m53s)

Celestial News & Events

Listen to October's Podcast

Fact: the "Summer Triangle" is easiest to see at this time of year. Learn all about it — and lots more — in our easy-on-the-ears guided tour of the October evening sky.


This Week's Sky At a Glance

Sky at a Glance | September 28th, 2007

Mars is brightening week by week now, as Earth swings closer to it in orbit. Meanwhile, bright Jupiter is departing in the southwest after dusk, and Mercury glimmers low in the sunset.

Pro-Am Collaboration

Nominations Sought for Amateur Award

The American Astronomical Society (AAS) is now accepting nominations for the Chambliss Amateur Achievement Award.

Full Moon

Space Missions

Moon Madness

For love or money, the Moon awaits you.


This Week's Sky At a Glance

Sky at a Glance | September 14th, 2007

The waxing Moon passes bright Jupiter in the evening sky this week, while Mercury closes in on Spica low in the sunset. Venus blazes at dawn — lighting the way to Saturn and Regulus low in the sunrise.

Celestial News & Events

Astronomy Day, Redux

For the second time this year, skywatchers the world over are celebrating Astronomy Day. If the sky is clear this weekend, you'll be treated to a bounty of late-summer stars and planets.

Celestial News & Events

An Eclipse-chaser's Mad Dash

Some people will go to the ends of the Earth — and do anything possible — to see a solar eclipse.


This Week's Sky At a Glance

Sky at a Glance | September 7th, 2007

Mars, brightening week by week, continues to dominate the eastern sky during the early-morning hours. Meanwhile Jupiter is sinking lower in the southwest during evening, and Venus (shown here) is climbing higher to shine as the "Morning Star" low in the dawn.

Celestial News & Events

Aurigids Aplenty!

Just as predicted, the Aurigid shower delivered a burst of meteors created by particles shed by a comet more than 2,000 years ago.

Sky Tour Astronomy Podcast

Your Audio Sky Tour: September 2007

This month, as summer begins its transition to autumn, there are still plenty of summer's stars to view. Host: S&T's Kelly Beatty. (6MB MP3 download: running time: 6m12s)


This Week's Sky At a Glance

Sky at a Glance | August 31st, 2007

Mars, brightening week by week, continues to dominate the eastern sky during the early-morning hours. Meanwhile Jupiter is sinking lower in the southwest during evening, and Venus is now leaping up to shine as the "Morning Star" low in the dawn.

Celestial News & Events

Listen to Our September Podcast

This month's podcast explores how there still plenty of summer's stars to view even as we transition to autumn.

Celestial News & Events

Earth To Hit Aurigid Meteors

Western skywatchers are hoping to see a display of bright meteors on the morning of September 1st, as the Aurigid meteor shower is predicted to make a strong but brief showing.



Sky at a Glance | August 17th, 2007

This week brings an eclipse of the Moon to North America early on Tuesday morning the 28th, and a possible outburst of the Aurigid meteors before dawn on the morning of September 1st. Westerners have the best seats for both.



Sky at a Glance | August 17th, 2007

This is a great week to watch Jupiter and the dance of its moons. And don't miss our own Moon passing by it through Scorpius and Sagittarius.

Celestial News & Events

Uranus and Neptune in 2007

Sky & Telescope diagramThe solar system beyond Saturn has been much in the news in the last year, but just three of its denizens are visible in amateur telescopes. Binoculars readily show Uranus and, with a little more difficulty, Neptune. Pluto normally needs at least an 8-inch telescope and a…

This Week's Sky At a Glance

Sky at a Glance | August 10th, 2007

The Perseid meteor shower should peak late on the night of Sunday the 12th, but you're likely to see occasional Perseids all week if you watch the stars. Meanwhile, Jupiter shines in the south at dusk, and Mars rises after midnight.

Sky Tour Astronomy Podcast

Your Audio Sky Tour: August 2007

Venus and Saturn have exited stage west, leaving Jupiter to rule the evening sky alone. Learn how to find it and the center of our galaxy in this month's tour. Host: S&T's Kelly Beatty. (6MB MP3 download: running time: 6m4s)