121–140 of 215 results

Solar System

Chelyabinsk Mega-meteor: Status Report

The cosmic intruder that exploded in the sky on February 15th dropped thousands of fragments onto the snow-covered plains of south-central Russia. Here's an update on what's been found.


Big Science with Modest Scopes

A recent annual meeting of amateur astronomers in Big Bear, California, proved once again that the amateur community is pursuing impressive science endeavors.

Celestial News & Events

TWAN's Earth & Sky Contest Winners

From the city lights nestled between Alpine peaks to a single image that captures stars, an aurora, and a meteor, The World At Night's 2013 astrophoto contest is full of startling vistas.

Astronomy and Society

Digitizing Harvard’s Century of Sky

Harvard College Observatory is digitizing its famed collection of more than 500,000 glass sky-survey plates and has just released the first data set.

Space Missions

NASA to Snag a Near-Earth Asteroid

Not content to let private companies have all the fun in asteroid exploration and exploitation, NASA managers have proposed a high-flying mission that would capture a small asteroid and dispatch astronauts to study it — all within the next decade.

Trajectory Browser

Astronomy and Society

Mission Planning for the Public

A NASA web-based tool plots trajectories to your favorite planet or near-Earth object.

Astronomy and Society

Too Much Ado About Daylight-Saving Time

Still controversial, the annual switch to daylight saving time is annoying to backyard astronomers — and probably doesn't save any energy after all.

Meteor trail over Chelyabinsk

Solar System

Info on Russian Meteor Pours In

The fireball that exploded over Russia on February 15th left more than a million square feet of damaged windows, bringing home how fragile life on Earth can be. Here's what S&T's staff has managed to piece together about what happened.

FireFly approaches asteroid

Science and Space Policy

Asteroid Mining Gets Competitive

Deep Space Industries, Inc, announced plans to send a fleet of asteroid-prospecting to target asteroids in 2015 — and that’s just the first step in their ambitious proposal.

Space Missions

On the 40th Anniversary of Apollo 17

Forty years after the last human visitors departed the Moon aboard Apollo 17, space historian Andrew Chaikin talks about why we should return.

Astronomy and Society

Neil Armstrong, 1930 - 2012

The man who took humanity's first step on another world is no longer among us.

Space Missions

Watch Curiosity Descend onto Mars

See through Curiosity's eyes as it descends to the surface of the Red Planet.

Astronomy and Society

Miss a Sky Event? There's an App for That

Sky & Telescope has released its new SkyWeek Plus app, which combines all the good stuff of our regular SkyWeek app with new reminder and breaking-sky-news features.

Space Missions

Do-It-Yourself Space Science

A California startup seeks to democratize space research by putting a tiny, custom-built satellite into orbit — and letting the public decide how to use it.

Cheney in Times Square

Save Dark Skies

AMA Addresses Light Pollution

The American Medical Association has released a report detailing several possible health concerns related to nighttime light exposure. But some lighting researchers worry the conclusions are more alarmist than is warranted.

Sentinel spacecraft in orbit

Science and Space Policy

B612 Debuts Its Asteroid-Seeking Sentinel

Astronomers warn that it's not a question of "if" Earth will be hit by an asteroid, but "when." If a private group of space veterans has its way, a Sun-orbiting spacecraft will find threatening objects decades before they can strike us.

Doctor operating a jackhammer?

Astronomy and Society

Wanted: A Little Common (Sky) Sense

When it comes to things astronomical, why do so many people with no knowledge of the sky try to figure things out for themselves — and come to the wrong conclusions?

Astronomy and Society

All-Sky Survey Sees Millions of Stars

A collaboration between professional and amateur astronomers is producing a careful map of stellar brightnesses and colors across the entire night sky. The survey should fill a hole that sometimes hampers quick, accurate measurements of events such as supernovae.

People, Places, and Events

Capturing the Beauty of the Night Sky

From Comet Lovejoy in the southern skies to the aurora borealis over Iceland, the winners of the 2012 International Earth & Sky Photo Contest find beauty in darkness and show the threat of increasing light pollution.

Astronomy and Society

Millennial Calendar Found in Mayan Ruins

Never mind what the doomsayers tell you: Remarkable paintings in a room amid Guatemalan ruins prove that the ancient Maya knew more about celestial cycles than we thought — and that they didn't predict the world's end in December 2012.