6081–6100 of 6,108 results

Astronomy & Observing News

Giant Eye Views the Horsehead

The cosmic chess piece, the Horsehead Nebula, is seen in all its glory through the eyes of the VLT.

Astronomy & Observing News

Galileo Mission Winds Down

Even though its main communication antenna never deployed, NASA's Galileo spacecraft has been productive — and durable — ever since entering orbit around Jupiter in December 1995. Multiple flybys of the Jovian moon Io have subjected the spacecraft to more than 500,000 rads of magnetospheric charged particles — 3½ times…

Astronomy & Observing News

Rest In Pieces, EUVE

The Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer reentered the Earth's atmosphere over central Egypt.

Astronomy and Society

Astronomy Outreach Survey Online

The Astronomical Society of the Pacific and the Astronomical League have teamed up to produce a survey on astronomical public outreach.

Astronomy & Observing News

Microbial Niches

Researchers have learned of a bacteria that thrives without sunlight or organic material. Such an organism might be found within the hidden ocean of Europa (seen here in a Galileo image).Courtesy University of Arizona, JPL, and NASA. The discovery of a unique population of microbes deep within the Earth has…

Astronomy & Observing News

Galileo Passes Io for the Last Time

The Jupiter-orbiting spacecraft has flown by Io for the last time.

Astronomy & Observing News

NASA Kills FAME Over Blown Budget

The ill-fated FAME mission, which would have measured 40 million star distances with vastly improved precision, is unlikely to become more than this conceptual drawing.Courtesy US Naval Observatory. Following several budget increase requests over the past year, the Full-Sky Astrometric Mapping Explorer (FAME) has been denied the funding necessary to…

Astronomy & Observing News

Jupiter Observers On Alert

This image by Maurizio Di Sciullo, taken January 12th at 03:45 UT with a 10-inch Excelsior Optics E-258 Newtonian reflector, reveals what John McAnally says 'may be the beginning of the disruption of south temperate oval BA on Jupiter.' Jupiter is without doubt the most dynamic planet for amateur astronomers.…

Pro-Am Collaboration

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Pro-Am Collaboration

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Pro-Am Collaboration

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Astronomy & Observing News

Chandra Views Milky Way Center

The Milky Way's middle appears to be filled with discrete X-ray sources.

Pro-Am Collaboration

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Pro-Am Collaboration

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Celestial News & Events

A Little Comet for Southern Hemisphere Observers

Early in 2002, observers living south of the equator will have their chance to see Comet LINEAR (C/2000 WM1).

Astronomy & Observing News

Meade Sues Celestron Over "Go To" Technology

The February 2000 cover of Sky & Telescope featured a Meade ETX telescope alongside a Celestron NexStar scope. The 'Showdown' headline now seems prophetic. Last week Meade filed a lawsuit against Celestron over patent infringement on the very same telescopes.Sky & Telescope: Craig Michael Utter The long-standing battle between California-based…

Astronomy & Observing News

Planet Going Up in Smoke

Like a giant comet, the "hot Jupiter" crossing the face of the star HD 209458 is blowing off vast clouds of hydrogen.

Pro-Am Collaboration

Results of Nearby-Supernova AstroAlert Test

Our February 2003 AstroAlert test went very well. Here we report on what we learned, thanks to the enthusiasm and dedication of the test's participants.