181–200 of 282 results

Celestial News & Events

The Other Bright Comet of 2007-08

Comet 8P/Tuttle is now near its peak. Although nowhere near Comet Holmes in total brightness, its light is concentrated in a much smaller area, making it considerably more prominent when viewed from typical suburban locations.

Stargazing with Tony Flanders

Holmes: Victim of Its Own Success

I'm beginning to take Comet Holmes for granted.

Stargazing with Tony Flanders

A Night in the Life of an S&T Editor

It's tricky deciding when to post an observing story on the Web.

Celestial News & Events

The Geminids Are Coming

The best time to view the 2007 Geminid meteor shower from North America is the night of December 13–14, with good prospects the following night as well. In Asia, December 14–15 should be better, and in Europe, it’s a tossup between the two.

Stargazing with Tony Flanders

The Reliability of Visual Observing

It's easy to make honest mistakes when viewing astronomical objects that are faint or small.

Celestial News & Events

Saturn in the Morning

The ringed planet is at its highest in the sky shortly before dawn in December. And the early-morning sky is full of other marvels, too.

Celestial News & Events

Mars Is Here!

The Red Planet is now nearly as bright — and appears nearly as big through a telescope — as it will any time this year.

Stargazing with Tony Flanders

The Amazing Comet Holmes

It may be dimming, but Comet Holmes is still unbelievably big and bright.

Celestial News & Events

Leonids 2007

The Leonid meteor shower peaks on the morning of Sunday, November 18th.

Stargazing with Tony Flanders

Traveling Without a Scope

While traveling in India, the author missed having a telescope for completely unexpected reasons.

Stargazing with Tony Flanders

Bye for a While

It's vacation time!

Stargazing with Tony Flanders

Big Binocular Messier Survey

Big binoculars may not show much detail, but they certain make it easy to find deep-sky objects.

Stargazing with Tony Flanders

Do the Planet Limbo

How low can you go?

Stargazing with Tony Flanders

Calendars Throughout History

Some thoughts about the social significance of the Sun, the Moon, and regularity.

Stargazing with Tony Flanders

Ridiculously Small Optics

What's the smallest instrument you've ever used to view the night sky?

Stargazing with Tony Flanders

Moonset Eclipse

Missing totality makes an eclipse's partial phase all the more rewarding.

Celestial News & Events

Vesta Visits Jupiter

The brightest asteroid swings by the King of Planets from August 28th to the 31st.

Stargazing with Tony Flanders

Astronomical Twilight

Here are some interesting facts about that time of night when it's too light for deep-sky astronomy but too dark to do anything else.

Stargazing with Tony Flanders

Discussions Restored

When we switched to new blog technology, all the existing discussions were lost. Now they're back!

Stargazing with Tony Flanders


A splendid time was had by all at Stellafane 2007.
